Friday, October 26, 2012

It Should Have Been Friday The 13th

Holy Moly. What a day.

I woke up on a mild, but sunny Friday morning looking forward to the day. All I had to do was get through the last few hours of the work week, do my workout, and head to the airport for a weekend away.

I had it all planned out: get off work, go to the gym, pick up a quick, but very healthy dinner to take to the airport, get on a plane and be happy.

If course, even the best paid plans go astray, or something like that.

Photo credit:

So this is what actually ended up happening...

My amazing co-worker talked me into going to Ikea with her to pick up our client's beds and couch for his new apartment. How bad could that be?

It was ok, but when we realized we were $100 bucks short on the money he gave us to pay for the furniture I ended up fronting the money so we wouldn't have to drive back to the God-awful valley again this week. My co-worker's friend had met us at Ikea to help us get all the boxes from point A to point B, but couldn't fit everything in his car, so we smashed the last piece of the couch into the back of my car. If the couch looks funny on one side, I plead the fifth.

Photo credit: Maria Bruggere
Ok great, we've got the cheap furniture in the car (keep in mind I hate doing this stuff for myself, let alone another person), and drove it back over the hill to drop off.

Fine, everything went fine. I got back into my car and I'd had just over 30 minutes to get to the gym on the west side. I could do this.

I'm driving, I'm cruising, and then my car skids, stops, and the emergency light comes on telling me to "Pull over slowly and safely." WTF. Really? RIGHT NOW? ARE YOU SERIOUS?

So I pull over, put the car in park and get out to check and see if I had a flat tire. No flat tire. I got back into the car and put it in drive, and the entire car locked up. I turn the car off and back on again and everything is fine, no warning light, nothing. So I kept going, still thinking that I was going to make it to my workout, just like I planned.

Then it skids and stalls again, you've got to be kidding me.

This time it says that the motor is too hot. So I turn the car off and on back again and everything appears fine.

This continued to happen seven times for the next eight miles until I finally made it back home. I missed my workout, I was a nervous, sweaty mess from thinking my car was going to explode, and now had to figure out how I was going to get to the airport. Fan-freaking-tastic. What sort of bad karma do I have to deserve this?

Thinking I could catch the ten dollar shuttle down the street, I grabbed my two bags and proceeded to run down my street to catch the shuttle. I had five minutes to go a half a mile with 20 extra pounds of crap attached to me.

I made it. I made the shuttle.

Relieved, but still irritated, I sat next to a woman who did not want to give up the empty seat next to her (the bus was full and her stupid Gap bag was taking up an entire seat, what gives?). The shuttle actually worked out better in a way because it's cheaper and faster since we got to go in the carpool lane.

I arrived at the airport, cruised through security, saw Paris Hilton, and things were finally starting to go smoothly. Improvement noted. I hate a crappy veggie sandwich, made some phone calls, and headed to my gate.

Photo credit:
As I'm waiting at the gate, thinking we are supposed to board in 10 minutes, there isn't even a plane present. I figured it had been a few minutes late and took a seat with the rest of the people. Then I really started to wonder where the sucker was as it was after our takeoff time and there was still no plane.

Finally, I got up to look at the board, and we are not scheduled to take off until 10:30.

Is today a joke? Bad dream? Halloween prank? C'mon.

I was tired, cranky, annoyed, and now confused. Why did today happen like this?

I just pray that after I finally get on the plane that nothing else happens, at least not until tomorrow.

Lesson learned: When in Los Angeles, don't ever think that your car is going to do what you want it to do when you are trying to do something important. Also, try to make as much money as quickly as possible so you don't have to put up with buying other people's cheap furniture.

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