Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Why I Quit Drinking Coffee

Diets and workout routines come and go, as do the pounds but I always think the sooner you develop a healthy lifestyle the better. Some people cut out soda, some candy, others stop eating high fructose corn syrup.

I quit drinking coffee.

Shocking, I know, but it was suggested to me about three months ago and I was determined to be as healthy as possible, so I gave it a whirl.

I was advised to by my trainer who called caffeine a "drug," which in all truth, is a fact. Without saying too much, he convinced me to give up my morning treat. Instead of coffee, I now drink green tea, and I don't mind it at all.

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I know it's confusing when there is a new study out every week saying coffee is good for you. Like most people, I bought into it and started drinking tons of coffee. I totally embraced the coffee culture. In high school I drank mainly mochas and sweetened coffee and then moved on to regular coffee with cream in college.

I was the queen of Starbucks. Everyone knew my mom and I when we walked in to get coffee. Sometimes they would even have it ready by the time we got to the cash register. I bought Starbucks every morning and on several afternoons as well throughout college. I had my own coffee maker, became a Starbucks snob with a gold card, and wouldn't hardly drink anything else. It's actually kind of sad now that I think about it.

For the longest time it never crossed my mind that coffee wasn't particularly healthy. My parents drank coffee all throughout my childhood, it seemed normal. It gave me energy, went well with breakfast, and kept me focused on my schoolwork. What's so bad about it?

I didn't really think my life would improve if I quit drinking coffee, and it's safe to say that I was definitely addicted, but I was wrong. I have more energy and no 2:30 p.m. energy crash.

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It took me about two weeks to adjust to the lack of caffeine I was ingesting but after that it was smooth sailing. Since quitting, I have had an easier time waking up and I maintain more of a normal energy level as opposed to one that comes and goes.

In general, I try to eat and drink foods that are natural, organic, and raw and I think that going hand in hand with no coffee drinking has given me a renewed sense of liveliness.

Although, there are times where I crave coffee and want it for just a treat, it's easy to talk myself out of it. I understand that most people won't ever quit drinking coffee because it's been apart of their daily routine for so long, but I'm happy I did it. I feel healthier and I know I'm doing something really awesome for myself.

Sometimes changes like this in life are good. It can help revive you in ways you didn't think it would. If there's something you've been doing for a long time that you know you need to change, don't be afraid to change it.

Lesson learned: Sometimes it's the little things that make a big difference.

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