Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Why Young People Should Vote

I am an election baby. This year, my birthday falls on election day. Not to mention I come from a political family. Politics and religion was what we always talked about at the dinner table, nothing was taboo.

Now that I'm a bit more grown up and also a voter, I feel that all young people need to take more time into figuring out who they are going to cast their vote for in any election. Many of the decisions that are made to day are decisions that will affect us in the future.

I'm not saying you should vote for one person or the other, I'm saying vote. Take a day, do your research, decide who you like, and fill out a ballot.

In regards to the presidential debate last night, I didn't think it went all that well overall. It would have been much more entertaining to watch the two duke it out with their fists than to watch them walk circles around each other talking about "binders of women."

It was a complete and total cock fight.

Which is why we need to look at their policies, what's on their websites, and what their campaign truly represents.

So here, I'll make it easy for you:

Barack Obama:
  • Before President Obama took office, the economy was losing 800,000 jobs a month. Now, we've seen 31 consecutive months of job growth and 5.2 million new private sector jobs. U.S. manufacturing has added 459,000 jobs since January 2010—the most growth in a decade.
  • President Obama refused to let the American auto industry die. He took a chance on Americans, and it paid off. More than 1 million jobs were saved, the U.S. auto industry is roaring back and adding jobs and all government loans were paid back ahead of time.
  • President Obama has a plan to bring jobs back to the U.S. by eliminating tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas, and creating incentives for businesses to bring jobs back to America.
  • President Obama passed Wall Street reform to make sure that Americans would never again have to pay to bail out big banks. 
Information from

Photo credit:

  • Part one of Mitt’s plan is to achieve energy independence on this continent by 2020. 
  • Part two of the plan is trade that works for America. He will work to open new markets for American goods and services, while also confronting nations like China that cheat on trade and steal American jobs.
  • Part three is to provide Americans with the skills to succeed through better public schools, better access to higher education, and better retraining programs that help to match unemployed workers with real-world job opportunities.
  • Part four is to cut the deficit, reducing the size of government and getting the national debt under control so that America remains a place where businesses want to open up shop and hire.
  • Finally, part five of Mitt’s plan is to champion small business. 
Information from

Look these over, check out the websites, watch them, observe their demeanor, and cast your vote.

The decisions about what you're going to wear when you get up in the morning is as important as voting for president.

Lesson learned: Don't argue with people over politics, just present the facts.

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